This one goes to all my introverts out there. It’s about the dreaded “small talk” – how and why to do it.
Tag: Communication
Much like life, apologies at work are hard. And hard to come by. Don’t be the person who can’t say sorry; learn how and when to apologize, and how not to.
Decision making is hard. When you’re a leader, people often look to you to make decisions. For some leaders, it’s all they do, or the most important part of what they do. For individual decision makers, there’s great advice available. But when you’re part of a team, knowing whose decision it is to make, and ensuring that it’s made at the right time (and well) can be the factor that creates a positive cultural dynamic
Anyone who has worked with me knows that I love to use an analogy. Or a metaphor. Similes make me smile. I sometimes mix them up, which causes my writer/editor friends to cringe, but I think just adds to my charm. But you won’t be surprised to hear that it’s all for a purpose. Analogies can be incredibly useful tools when trying to communicate ideas to others – especially when you’re discussing topics of personal
Being a leader involves changing your mind. A lot. New data comes in. Business conditions change. Unexpected events occur. Trends pop up, and forecasts get beat or missed. Like a sailor, you are constantly moving, tacking with the wind. Teams, however value consistency. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you, one of the qualities they value in a manager or leader is predictability. There’s immense pressure to always be right. To make the right call, to
When you become a new manager, and first begin leading a team, it’s important to start with clear expectations. For me, setting expectations one of the first things I do when I begin working with a new team or a new individual. Your expectations are unique. So is how you chose to be a manager. They’re as much about you and your management style as they are about your work and corporate culture. However, there