Why you need a coach

I provide coaching for new managers, experienced leaders, and those in transition – no matter where you are on your journey, the support of a coach can help you get there faster. Working together, I will help you identify your strengths, set meaningful goals, and create a realistic plan to achieve them.

Even the most motivated people hit a rut. Even the most ambitious individuals lose their way. And for those of us who aren’t superheroes, a trusting and professional sounding board can be the best thing to help us find our path.

Working together, you and your coach can become a personal steering committee– discovering new ways of thinking, finding new approaches to problems, and helping you be more accountable to yourself.

Coaching for New Managers

Becoming a leader or new manager is often the greatest challenge many of us will face in our careers.  There’s often little guidance, and for many, no access to great role models. 

This program is tailored to those just starting their leadership journey.  Through 1:1 sessions, you’ll identify strengths and insights about yourself and your team. You’ll learn to be a better manager, a more thoughtful mentor, and to operate in a style that’s true to yourself and your values.  You can create a more meaningful, intentional experience for you and your team.


Coaching Services for New Managers

  • Discovery sessions: All clients begin with a discounted 2-session discovery, including StrengthsFinder assessment
  • Discounted rates: regular hour and half-hour coaching sessions, specifically tailored for new managers
  • Onboarding Package: a pre-paid package for new managers looking to quickly onboard and ramp up 
    • 1-hour session each week, 4 weeks
    • 2x 1-hour follow-up sessions during the first year

Leadership Coaching 

Leading is about more than managing. How you show up to those around you, how you connect with them, and how you set and achieve goals all important aspects of leading.  Those skills don’t always come naturally, and many struggle to develop them while standing in the spotlight of leadership. 

Working with a coach can offer perspective, providing you with a unique sounding board, and a chance to reflect on how you achieve as much as on what you achieve.


Coaching Services for Leaders

  • Discovery sessions: All clients begin with a discounted 2-session discovery
  • Package rates: Discounted rates are available for pre-paid session packages

Career Coaching & Life Coaching

Whether you find your joy in the hustle, or are discovering your #antiwork side, understanding your values, goals, and motivations can increase resiliency, and bring a greater sense of satisfaction and joy to all aspects of your life.  There’s no right or wrong way to move through life – but following someone else’s approach, or putting societal pressures over personal passions can leave you wanting. 

Through regular career coaching sessions, I’ll help you set realistic goals, create meaningful intentions, and identify personal strengths.  We’ll work together to unlock your true capacity in any aspect of your life – and learn something about yourself along the way. 


Coaching Services

  • Discovery sessions: All clients begin with a discounted 2-session discovery
  • Package rates: Discounted rates are available for pre-paid session packages
  • Career Mapping Workshop: a pre-paid package for those looking to define their goals and develop their career plan (learn more)
    • 1-hour discovery session
    • 1 half-day (4 hours) workshop or 2 evenings (2 hours each)

My approach

All coaching sessions include an initial 2-session discovery period, followed by an ongoing program tailored to your specific needs.  

Each is customized to meet your specific needs and is done individually in a safe and encouraging environment. Sessions are conducted in person, by video conference, or by phone, according to personal preference. Discounted rates are available for pre-paid session packages.

Some clients come with specific goals in mind, but others do not.  If you’re unsure what you need, but know you want to take action, coaching can help you get there.